Which smart locks are supported by IdealHub?
Last Update 4 tahun yang lalu
IdealHub Access only works with our pre-certified smart locks. This ensures that your properties are as protected as possible, and that prospective renters or guest and contractors have the best experience possible.
We will help you order the locks and get our partners to set up for you. Access was specifically designed to meet the needs of the guest or tenants.
IdealHub hardware partners
IdealHub hardware partners support the IglooHome Smart Deadbolt 2S. This allows us to prevent scams or crime.
Why we only support one smart lock
For the security of the property and to protect the experience of the person using the lock, we determined three necessary criteria for a smart lock:
- Work without WiFi: This means it's less vulnerable to security concerns and can be stored outside or on the door to a home that's been tenants and without an internet setup.
- Bank-level pin code security: Pin codes should be as secure as the pin code systems used by banks to control access to online banking. They should never be reusable and only work for very short time frames.
- Infinite pin-codes per day: If a smart lock is only able to produce a few pin codes per day it creates operational bottlenecks. This leads to a poor user experience and may force the operator into suboptimal security practices.
- Connection to IdealHub
Before anyone can schedule an access appointment your lock must be connected to the individual unit that they need to access. This happens automatically when you order a lock from us.